Home Cruise Safely Queen Elizabeth Passenger Dies Boarding a Cruise Ship Tender

By  of telegraph.co.uk

A passenger on Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth has died following an accident while boarding a cruise ship tender in Cambodia.

A passenger has died following an accident while boarding the Queen Elizabeth from a tender (the small boats that carry passengers from ship to shore or port when the cruise ship anchors at sea).

The cruise ship, part of the Cunard fleet, was in Sihanoukville, a deep-water port city in Cambodia, on a 112-night world cruise which left Southampton on January 10.

“We can confirm that a passenger died earlier today following an accident whilst boarding Queen Elizabeth from a tender,” says the official statement. “Two of our crew members reacted very quickly and jumped in to rescue her. She was then taken to the medical centre but despite our very best efforts, she died.”

Gangway ramps can, on occasion, break free of either the ship or the tender, causing passengers or crew to fall into the sea.

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